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Resposta to "Chegaram os Russos - Perdas russas durante a operação militar na Síria"

This October 17, 2016 Norwegian Armed Forces handout image shows the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov passing the Norwegian island of Andoya in international waters on its way to the mediterranean. The Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier the nuclear powered battleship Pyotr Velikiy and six other vessels were photographed by Norway' s Lockheed P-3 Orion surveillance aircraft.

HMS Duncan (C) monitors the Russian battle cruiser Peter the Great (L) and aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsovon as they proceed through the North Sea, Britain October 20, 2016.

eu acho engraçado  tanto alarde  por causa dos  russos  - os  eua  tem 2  porta avioes classe nimitz no mediterane  e  1  na  costa  perto da Libia  mais  1 no indico  que  tb  pode  se envolver  1 na Inglaterra  em manobras e  mais 10 no atlantico que tb  podem ir  para  lá  e todos  se cagam de medo  do Pedro o Grande e  do Kusnetzov  vai entender 
