Um pouco da roupa sujo do F-35:
A 2015 Pentagon report found these issues:[187]
- The Joint Program Office is re-categorizing or failing to count aircraft failures to try to boost maintainability and reliability statistics;
- Testing is continuing to reveal the need for more tests, but the majority of the fixes and for capability deficiencies being discovered are being deferred to later blocks rather than being resolved;
- The F-35 has a significant risk of fire due to extensive fuel tank vulnerability, lightning vulnerability and an OBIGGS system unable to sufficiently reduce fire-sustaining oxygen, despite redesigns;
- Wing drop concerns are still not resolved after six years, and may only be mitigated or solved at the expense of combat maneuverability and stealth;
- The June engine problems are seriously impeding or preventing the completion of key test points, including ensuring that the F-35B delivered to the Marine Corps for IOC meets critical safety requirements; no redesign, schedule, or cost estimate for a long-term fix has been defined yet, thereby further impeding g testing;
- Even in its third iteration, the F-35’s helmet continues to show high false-alarm rates and computer stability concerns, seriously reducing pilots’ situational awareness and endangering their lives in combat;
- The number of Block 2B’s already limited combat capabilities being deferred to later blocks means that the Marine Corps’ FY2015 IOC squadron will be even less combat capable than originally planned;
- ALIS software failures continue to impede operation, mission planning, and maintenance of the F-35, forcing the Services to be overly reliant on contractors and “unacceptable workarounds”;
- Deficiencies in Block 2B software, and deferring those capabilities to later blocks, is undermining combat suitability for all three variants of the F-35;
- The program’s attempts to save money now by reducing test points and deferring crucial combat capabilities will result in costly retrofits and fixes later down the line, creating a future unaffordable bow wave that, based on F-22 experience, will add at least an additional $67 billion in acquisition costs; and
- Low availability and reliability of the F-35 is driven by inherent design problems that are only becoming more obvious and difficult to fix."
"In July 2015, Lockheed Martin confirmed the authenticity of a leaked report showing the F-35 to be less maneuverable than an older F-16D with wing tanks. The pilot who flew the mission reported inferior energy maneuverability, a limited pitch rate and flying qualities that were "not intuitive or favorable" in a major part of the air-combat regime gave the F-16 the tactical advantage. In general the high AoA capabilities of the jet could not be used in an effective way without significantly reducing follow-on maneuvering potential."
Tem comprovação de que o mencionado e originário do Pentagono ou e tirado de algum site com .ru?? ...
Bem...sendo o tópico presente sobre o F-22, eu estarei abrindo um outro com informação bem interessante sobre os "mitos" do F-35...
Nem precisou chegar aos sites russos, o US Government Accountability Office já deu o serviço. Imagine se tivesse divulgado as coisas que não se devem divulgar....
Um extrato do relatório mais recente (GAO-15-429T):
"The key technical challenges affecting the program were a structural failure on the F-35B durability test aircraft, an engine failure,and a higher-than-expected amount of test point growth largely to address software rework. In addition, the F-35 system reliability has been limited by poor engine reliability which will take additional time and resources to achieve reliability goals. With flight testing of more complex software and advanced capabilities still ahead, additional discoveries during testing and subsequent design changes are likely."
A lista dos relatórios, só do GAO:
Apenas 197 documentos.