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Resposta to "PMMS"

Na parte "Status Update" do site consta a seguinte observação em 16/11/18.


"Hi All, just a quick update on the site status and apologies for the lack of recent updates.
Unfortunately dealing with the same ongoing health issues, including a couple of short stays in Hospital which was fun !!

The plan is to resume updates from Monday 19 Nov, if not over the weekend.
Initially I'll update the new releases from the last few weeks I've missed, you probable would have seen these but just to catch up with things.
From there I'll post some reviews, I've actually got about a dozen partly done so just need to get these finished.
Some of the kits may have been in shops for a couple of weeks but hopefully will still be of interest till we catch up with releases.

Thanks again for your understanding and feel free to leave any comments good or bad on the PMMS FaceBook page."
