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Resposta to "TBD Devastator Midway"

Curioso que tenho um quadro de aviation-art no qual o artista colocou erradamente a marcação 8-T-14 e ainda mais num Avenger torpedeiro atacando a frota inimiga!


Meu amigo,


Esse tema é fascinante e já vi muitas discussões interessantes pela web. Os Avengers tb eram do Hornet, do mesmo esquadrão dos Devastators (VT-8).


"Torpedo 8 was the first squadron equipped with Grumman's new TBF-1 Avenger, a bigger, faster, longer-ranged replacement for the TBD. When Hornet sailed to the Pacific, a detachment of the squadron under the command of Lt. Harold "Swede" Larson remained in Norfolk, Virginia to receive the first shipment of the new aircraft. Larson's detachment arrived at Pearl Harbor the day after Hornet sailed for Midway. Six of the squadron's Avengers were flown to Midway under the command of Lt. Langdon K. Fieberling to participate in the battle. These planes were the first Navy aircraft to attack the Japanese fleet that day. They attacked without fighter cover, and five of the Avengers were shot down, with only Ensign Albert K. Earnest and CDR (then Radioman 2/c) Harry Ferrier's surviving, on a badly shot-up plane with damaged controls and landing gear, and a dead rear-gunner."


Como os Avengers vieram direto dos EUA, eles ainda usavam as marcações antigas. Veja nessa foto, do Avenger sobrevivente, a pontinha do "8" aparecendo. Ele seria o "8-T-1", pelo que li.




Aqui tem outras fotos:


E aqui um texto repleto de informações, incluindo os códigos dos seis Avengers: 8-T-1, 4, 5, 12, 16 e 19. O artista que vc mencionou passou perto.


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Last edited by paulors