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@Ivan P posted:

Legal, Sidney. Parere ser a versão “late” do Val. Imagino que lançarão também a inicial, de Pearl Harbour.

Abs, Ivan

Oi Ivan. A Wingsy parece explorar bem os temas que injeta, então acho provável que lancem outras versões.

Atualização postada na página da Wingsy no Facebook.

Hello, Friends. We haven’t written anything to you for a long time and there are objective reasons for this that you yourself know about...
We are alive, we are healthy, we are working! It turned out to be not very simple (like thase times) so it does not go very quickly. But he's coming! I really want to implement it!!! And we will definitely do this!
Please stay with us! Believe in Ukraine! Believe in us! We will win!!!FB_IMG_1718737432384FB_IMG_1718737429723FB_IMG_1718737427404FB_IMG_1718737424931FB_IMG_1718737422238


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Last edited by Sidney

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