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North Korea: New camouflage for biplane fleet

  • 7 April 2015
A North Korean Antonov An-2 biplane
North Korea's biplanes may seem old-fashioned, but they give Pyongyang a tactical advantage
North Korea has changed the camouflage on its fleet of biplanes for tactical purposes, according to military experts.


Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un was seen at the controls of one of the Korean People's Air Force Antonov An-2 aircraft while on an inspection visit to an aircraft maintenance plant last week, and analysts in South Korea say that Pyongyang has updated the colour scheme of the vintage planes, the Chosun Ilbo newspaper reports. Previously painted khaki, the aircraft now have a blue underside and green upper surfaces, meaning they would be difficult to spot on low-level missions. "Seen from above, they'll be difficult to identify, and seen from below they could be seen as part of the sky," says a South Korean officer. "It seems the North was encouraged by the relatively successful infiltration of sky-blue drones last year." Several drones, all painted pale blue, were found in South Korea in 2014, and a military enquiry concluded they came from the North.


Despite their great age - the An-2 dates back to 1947 - the aircraft is seen as an ideal low-tech stealth aircraft for short-range infiltration raids. They can fly at low altitudes below radar systems, delivering a dozen troops to a target area. Chosun Ilbo says that Pyongyang has recently increased parachute drills involving the An-2 aircraft. While North Korea's sanctions-hit air force is comprised of planes that would long be considered obsolete in other countries, they still operate a number of high-tech Russian MiG-29 fighter jets, although it is not known precisely how many are airworthy.


Kim Jong-un at the controls of an Antonov An-2
Kim Jong-un, seen behind the controls of one of his country's An-2 aircraft, is reportedly a keen aviator


Last edited by Sergio Menezes
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Essa parte é a melhor !


"Seen from above, they'll be difficult to identify, and seen from below they could be seen as part of the sky," says a South Korean officer. "


Descobriram a utilidade da camuflagem em 2015 ! Uau ! Não sabia que o An-2 era Stealth ! KKK





Uma vez eu procurando barbeador que usasse gilete, uma atendente da loja, já grisalha, ofereceu-me ajuda, disse-lhe o que procurava, e fazia tempo que não ouvia aquela resposta, it´s old fashion, my daddy dont use more, que nem o An-2, saudosismo de país pobre, tem que manter aquilo voando.

A North Korean Antonov An-2 biplane


"Seen from above, they'll be difficult to identify, and seen from below they could be seen as part of the sky," says a South Korean officer. "


E visto do ângulo desta foto ? Imagino que devam estar estudando muito sobre que cor pintar a hélice, no caso da foto se olharem do solo vão ver uma hélice verde se aproximando ! Vai ver é proposital, já imaginou o efeito psicológico devastador de ver só uma hélice indo na direção dos infantes ?

O que e ou hilario ou digno de do, dependendo do angulo que se olhe, e que esses coitados sao doutrinados a acreditar que eles teriam alguma chance contra qualquer exercito mais organizado do mundo...


Contra a Coreia do Sul entao, seria um massacre...


Nada mais ridiculo que ditaduras megalomanas...




Last edited by Jaguar (Edilson C. Araujo)
Originally Posted by Rogerio77:

A North Korean Antonov An-2 biplane


"Seen from above, they'll be difficult to identify, and seen from below they could be seen as part of the sky," says a South Korean officer. "


E visto do ângulo desta foto ? Imagino que devam estar estudando muito sobre que cor pintar a hélice, no caso da foto se olharem do solo vão ver uma hélice verde se aproximando ! Vai ver é proposital, já imaginou o efeito psicológico devastador de ver só uma hélice indo na direção dos infantes ?

Ué..Nun entendi....tô vendo nessa foto só 3 avionzinhos brancos pousados....

Pra mim a parte mais hilária foi esta:


(the drones) ...and a military enquiry concluded they came from the North.


Jura, que tiveram de fazer um inquérito militar?? Teriam vindo de onde mais, de Marte (Marte ataca)? Seriam dos seres abissais?

Last edited by JCFerreira
Originally Posted by Guima:

Poderia ser pior... eles poderiam produzir o Aero-Boero sob licença. 


É melhor deixar que façam uma bomba atômica.


Deixa eles fabricarem e revenderem para os " Hermanos "..........

Ai os Estados Unidos podem invadir e prender todo mundo por trafico internacional de DROGAS .............

E não manda pra guantánamo , manda pra Indonesia


Se não fosse a China aquela espelunca hoje seria toda capitalista, e se dependesse do McArthur, ele tinha transformado aquela bosta em estacionamento com algumas bombas nucleares.

Depois do "Rato que Ruge" essa dinastia de gordos dementes fizeram da Kokôréia do Norte o "Piolho que Grita".

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