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Boeing doubles F-15C missile load in '2040C' Eagle upgrade

Boeing has unveiled an up-gunned version of its supersonic F-15C air superiority jet designed to keep the aging fleet operationally relevant through 2040.

Called 2040C, the upgrade package includes “quad pack” munitions racks designed to double the aircraft’s air-to-air missile payload to 16 and conformal fuel tanks for extended-range flights.

For communications, Boeing is naturally offering “Talon HATE” – the air force’s programme of record for connecting the F-15 with Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor.

In terms of survivability, Boeing’s package includes Raytheon’s APG-63(v)3 active synthetically scanned array (AESA) radar and a long-range infrared search and track (IRST) sensor for “first sight, first shot, first kill” air-to-air combat.

2040C continues delivery of the Eagle Passive/Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) systems – a programme designed to equip the fourth-generation F-15 with the latest electronic warfare capabilities. A contract announcement for that effort is expected soon.

Boeing vice president of F-15 programs Mike Gibbons says the 2040C concept is an evolution of the Silent Eagle proposed to South Korea, with some low-observable improvements but mostly a focus on the latest air capabilities and lethality.

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Boeing's up-gunned F-15C "2040C" Eagle upgrade package would double's the aircraft's missile capacity.


“F-15s and F-22s in the fight together in the future out there in the 2030s; the assessment and analysis we’ve done points to this as a nice solution set for the air force,” he said at an Air Force Association conference in Washington. “The air force has funded some of these and we’re in discussions about the others, but many are funded programmes of record.”

“Doubling the number of missiles on the jet is not something that’s a current programme of record, but it is something we know is of interest to the air force.”

Gibbons says instead of carrying weapons internally to reduce the Eagle’s radar cross section, the “evolving threat” – Russia and China’s fielding of advanced fighter jets – favours more weapons, according to Boeing.

The Pentagon capped F-22 production at 195, forcing the air force to keep the F-15C in service far longer than planned, and current operating concepts team the two jets for a high-low mix.

Boeing sees a market for more than 200 active-duty and air national guard F-15C upgrades, and the new payloads could be delivered as part of a future service-life-extension programme (SLEP).

Gibbons says some USAF F-15Cs have more than 20,000h of flight time remaining on the airframe, whereas other are in the low teens and would require new wings and vertical tales.

Speaking at a media roundtable 15 September, Air Combat Command commander Gen Hawk Carlisle said the F-15C will require a life-extension programme in the near future and the added capabilities being offered by Boeing will be considered as part of that.

The upgrade would be a “significant bill,” but he says the planning for that needs to start now in the absence of more F-22s. Boeing is also targeting international F-15C operators including Japan, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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O F-15 é com certeza o maior ícone da aviação mundial.

A superioridade aérea estava nas mãos dele...

Os países não tinham medo de mandá-lo para a guerra, pois sabiam que ele iria e cumpriria o seu dever...

O projeto para a versão SE (Silent Eagle), usa diversas tecnologia stealth dos F-22, inclusive com os misseis internos, 

O seu irmão mais velho, F-22, é extremamente caros e será difícil o seu emprego ...


Ele é o bicho....


Vida longa aos F-15.


Last edited by Eduardo Boldo

Alguns especialistas as quais li matérias, dizem que mesmo o F-22 sendo tecnologicamente muito superior ao F-15, bem como qualquer outra aeronave, ainda sim, em manobra continua sendo um pouco inferior ao F-15! Tomara que esse bicho voe por muitos anos ainda!

Originally Posted by AndréRM:

Alguns especialistas as quais li matérias, dizem que mesmo o F-22 sendo tecnologicamente muito superior ao F-15, bem como qualquer outra aeronave, ainda sim, em manobra continua sendo um pouco inferior ao F-15! Tomara que esse bicho voe por muitos anos ainda!

E vi em algum lugar que o F-15SE Silent Eagle possui assinatura-radar tão baixa quanto o F-22. Mas, por menos da metade do preço.

Originally Posted by xxAgnaldoxx:
Originally Posted by AndréRM:

Alguns especialistas as quais li matérias, dizem que mesmo o F-22 sendo tecnologicamente muito superior ao F-15, bem como qualquer outra aeronave, ainda sim, em manobra continua sendo um pouco inferior ao F-15! Tomara que esse bicho voe por muitos anos ainda!

E vi em algum lugar que o F-15SE Silent Eagle possui assinatura-radar tão baixa quanto o F-22. Mas, por menos da metade do preço.


Exatamente.. inclusive, a Boeing aventou a possibilidade de se reconfigurar a linha de produção, a qual já havia sido desativada.....Inclusive, para vendas externas, já que o F-22 acabou ficando exclusivamente nas mãos americanas...

Originally Posted by FІЯЭFФЖ:

Contra o F-22 não dá, mas contra o F-35, pode roubar uma boa verba deste...  

Até porque a produção do F-22 ao que parece já foi encerrada (só para uso exclusivo da USAF e ao preço que custa, não tinha como seguir).  


Linhas de produção só ficam abertas diante de duas situações:  Vendas para novos clientes, ou reposição de perdas em caso de guerra.  No caso do custo astronômico do F-22, acho que em caso de guerra as perdas forçariam um armistício em vez da reabertura da linha de produção...

Last edited by Felipe C. Miranda

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