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Conhecem o Biathlon de tanques na Rússia ? Eu não conhecia e achei muito interessante, É uma competiÇão que acontece assim, de acordo com a Wikipedia:


Tank biathlon is a mechanized military sport invented by the Russian Military with some similarities to the sport of biathlon. It is supposed to utilize the complex training of tank crews including their rough terrain passing skills combined with the ability to provide accurate and rapid fire while on-route.[1]



Tanks go on a three-round route of 6-10 kilometers. During the first round crews fire at targets positioned at a distances of 1800, 1700, 1500 meters. The second round firing is at targets imitating an anti-tank mortar (RPG) squad and an infantry unit - these targets are at a distance of 600–700 meters, and must be engaged with a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. The third round targeting is at an anti-tank gun and ATGM unit by use of the NSV 12.7mm remotely controlled anti-aircraft heavy machine gun at a distance of 1200 meters. Firing misses lead to an extra round, 500 meters long. On the final round tanks have to go through various terrain obstacles; a missed or crashed obstacle adds 10 seconds to the crew's final timing.


The first such contests ran in several of Russia's Military Districts with final taking place at the Alabino proving ground on 11–17th August 2013, with crews from KazakhstanBelarus and Armenia invited for the contest. In 2015 China and Serbia also participated.


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