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Segundo Bert Kinzey, em seu In Detail & Scale dedicado ao Thunderbolt, “The P-47D-30-RE (Farmingdale, NY) and RA (Evansville, IN) also had flat cockpit floors, while all previous Thunderbolts had corrugated floors”. (KINZEY, Bert, P-47 Thunderbolt. In Detail & Scale, Carrollton, v. 54, p. 23, 1998.)

Last edited by tonythetiger
tonythetiger posted:

Segundo Bert Kinzey, em seu In Detail & Scale dedicado ao Thunderbolt, “The P-47D-30-RE (Farmingdale, NY) and RA (Evansville, IN) also had flat cockpit floors, while all previous Thunderbolts had corrugated floors”. (KINZEY, Bert, P-47 Thunderbolt. In Detail & Scale, Carrollton, v. 54, p. 23, 1998.)

Grato pela ajuda e pela informação!!!

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