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"The new Anders is fitted with Oto-Melara's HITFIST-30P turret (the same turret as used on the wheeled Rosomak IFV). In so far this is identical to the earlier Anders IFV prototype, however features and details have been altered. This configuration is meant to compete with the new Borsuk IFV, that is being developed for the Polish Army. The Hitfist turret is armed with a 30 mm Bushmaster II chain gun from Aliant Techsystems (ATK) and a coaxial machine gun. Furthermore new Spike-LR anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launchers have been added to the turret. "
"The Anders' hull is designed with modular protection ranging from STANAG 4569 level 3 (protection against 7.62 mm NATO AP ammo with tungsten-carbide core) to level 5 (protection against 25 mm ammunition) or beyond. The vehicle is not amphibious."


"The new tank is supposedly called PT-16, but it is not clear if this is the final name. It is mainly meant for export, as the backbone of the Polish tank force is meant to be the Leopard 2, which is in process of being upgraded to the new Leopard 2PL configuration in the near future. The new PT-16 tank is somewhat related to the PT-91 "Twardy", because it utilizes an upgraded version of the PT-91/T-72 hull."
"However it seems to feature a new welded turret, which is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore gun manufactured by Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW). While Poland had started the development of a local copy of Rheinmetall's 120 mm smoothbore design, the gun of the  PT-91 is supposedly manufactured under licence; it has not been revealed whoo is responisble for the gun design and licencing;"

"The tank is protected by new modular composite armor. The turret armor is extremely thick and is reminiscent of the AMAP composite armor from the German company IBD Deisenroth as utilized on the Leopard 2 Evolution. IBD Deisenroth has supplied the armor package for the Rosomak-M variant and will deliver the armor for the new Leopard 2PL version. In so far it seems to be possible that IBD delivered the armor for the PT-16. It is understood that there will be some sort of local production of IBD's armor for the Leopard 2PL; if this is done under licence or with a local subsidairy is not clear at the moment. The hull front seems to be fitted with applique armor modules, but retains a number of classical T-72 features; the integrated hull armor might still be identical to that of the T-72M1/PT-91."
"The tank is fitted with a 1,000 horsepower (hp) engine from a Serbian supplier. Supposedly it can deliver up to 1,100 hp"
"The turret is fitted with a remote weapon station (RWS) and a new sensor system. The RWS is armed with a machine gun and might double-act as a commander's sight. The commander is at least not provided with a separate sight yet and there also appears to be no proper commander's cupola, but rather a few vision blocks integrated into the turret roof."



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BigBag posted:

Eu não conhecia.


"The new Anders is fitted with Oto-Melara's HITFIST-30P turret (the same turret as used on the wheeled Rosomak IFV). In so far this is identical to the earlier Anders IFV prototype, however features and details have been altered. This configuration is meant to compete with the new Borsuk IFV, that is being developed for the Polish Army. The Hitfist turret is armed with a 30 mm Bushmaster II chain gun from Aliant Techsystems (ATK) and a coaxial machine gun. Furthermore new Spike-LR anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launchers have been added to the turret. "
"The Anders' hull is designed with modular protection ranging from STANAG 4569 level 3 (protection against 7.62 mm NATO AP ammo with tungsten-carbide core) to level 5 (protection against 25 mm ammunition) or beyond. The vehicle is not amphibious."


"The new tank is supposedly called PT-16, but it is not clear if this is the final name. It is mainly meant for export, as the backbone of the Polish tank force is meant to be the Leopard 2, which is in process of being upgraded to the new Leopard 2PL configuration in the near future. The new PT-16 tank is somewhat related to the PT-91 "Twardy", because it utilizes an upgraded version of the PT-91/T-72 hull."
"However it seems to feature a new welded turret, which is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore gun manufactured by Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW). While Poland had started the development of a local copy of Rheinmetall's 120 mm smoothbore design, the gun of the  PT-91 is supposedly manufactured under licence; it has not been revealed whoo is responisble for the gun design and licencing;"
(provavelmente russo ou ucraniano ou até chinês)
"The tank is protected by new modular composite armor. The turret armor is extremely thick and is reminiscent of the AMAP composite armor from the German company IBD Deisenroth as utilized on the Leopard 2 Evolution. IBD Deisenroth has supplied the armor package for the Rosomak-M variant and will deliver the armor for the new Leopard 2PL version. In so far it seems to be possible that IBD delivered the armor for the PT-16. It is understood that there will be some sort of local production of IBD's armor for the Leopard 2PL; if this is done under licence or with a local subsidairy is not clear at the moment. The hull front seems to be fitted with applique armor modules,but retains a number of classical T-72 features; the integrated hull armor might still be identical to that of the T-72M1/PT-91."
"The tank is fitted with a 1,000 horsepower (hp) engine from a Serbian supplier. Supposedly it can deliver up to 1,100 hp"
"The turret is fitted with a remote weapon station (RWS) and a new sensor system. The RWS is armed with a machine gun and might double-act as a commander's sight. The commander is at least not provided with a separate sight yet and there also appears to be no proper commander's cupola, but rather a few vision blocks integrated into the turret roof."



esse tipo de "produto" me lembra as criticas que sempre se fazem à ENGESA, de que não havia nada nacional no Osório.

Esse "novo" tanque polonês é uma verdadeira sopa de pedra. a base continua sendo o T72 russo, com um monte de penduricalhos de vários fornecedores, principalmente alemães. até o motor é sérvio  e, de origem, certamente russo.

o mais interessante é que a Polônia vai continuar usando o Leo II no próprio exército, e esse bicho vai ser só para exportação (se aparecer quem compre , talvez los hermanos bolivarianos ou portenhos, por exemplo).


Last edited by Valls

Uma vez levei empresários paulistas aqui do interior para conhecer um estaleiro de lanchas de passeio próximo a Buenos Aires, uma lancha aqui de 50 pés custa 4 a 5 milhões de reais, lá uma da mesma categoria custa 500 mil dólares, quando o dólar estava pouco mais de 1 valia super a pena, mas não é este o ponto, o equipamento embarcado, era motores Volvo Penta, que é um Mercedes marinizado, radares, sonares e sondas Furuno, GPS Garmin, e me perguntaram da manutenção do equipamento importado como se não houvesse no Brasil estas marcas, respondi prontamente, gente todos estes equipamentos são as mesmas marcas que equipam os barcos brasileiros, de argentino somente o casco e mobília, a mesma coisa do tanque, o canhão, inglês, alemão, os eletrônicos, talvez até israelenses, motorização alemã, etc...

Hudy Jatai posted:

Legal é  o AHS Krab: torre do AS90 com chassi do K9 Thunder modificado e obus francês.


outra coisa que se esquece é que esse AS90, antes de ser o AS90 do exército inglês, ia ser o Mallet do EB, com chassi fabricado pela Verolme com motorização da Caterpillar. E foi pro brejo também.


O segundo projeto militar da Verolme, do qual foi construído apenas o protótipo, teve gestação mais lenta.

Os planos iniciais previam a fabricação seriada, para exportação para a Europa e EUA, de um obuseiro rebocado (FH 70) com alcance de 30 km, arma então adotada pelas tropas da Otan. Projetado para disparar projéteis de 155 mm, foi desenvolvido em conjunto pela britânica Vickers, a alemã Rheinmetall e a italiana Oto Melara. O projeto acabou se desdobrando em outro muito mais ambicioso: a produção, também para os países-membros da Otan, de um obuseiro autopropelido sobre lagartas, a ser equipado com o canhão do FH 70. Ainda em fase de desenvolvimento pela Vickers, teria motor Cummins de 600 cv, importado dos EUA. Por ser arma de retaguarda, o veículo não teria blindagem.

Oficialmente denominado AS90 Mallet, a Verolme foi responsabilizada pela construção do protótipo, concluído a tempo de ser exposto em junho de 1986 na British Army Equipment Exhibition. Nos testes o carro revelou peso de 35 t (incluindo 42 obuses a bordo), autonomia de 500 km e alcance de tiro de 41 km. O sistema automático de pontaria permitia a cadência de seis lançamentos por minuto.

Os prejuízos permanentes ocasionados pela instabilidade do setor naval, porém, não conseguiram ser neutralizados pelos novos negócios da Verolme. O quadro econômico-financeiro da empresa se deteriorou, inviabilizando o acordo com a Vickers. Em 1991, já concordatário, o estaleiro foi comprado pelo polêmico empresário Nelson Tanure, que já controlava a Emaq, em menos de três anos também assumiria a Ishikawajima e em pouco tempo colocaria todas em situação pré-falimentar.

Depois de passar por longo período de inatividade, no ano 2000 a Verolme passou a ser administrado pelo grupo Keppel Fels, sediado em Cingapura, ironicamente hoje também controlador da Verolme holandesa. Quanto ao obuseiro AS90, foi colocado em produção seriada na Grã-Bretanha, sendo até hoje fabricado em grande quantidade pela BAE Systems, sucessora da Vickers.

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