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Soon available in the international bookshops:

Title - Befehlspanzer
Sub-Title - German command, control and observation armoured combat vehicles in WW2
Part 1 - Tanks of German origin
Author - Riccardo Niccoli
Illustrations - Jean Restayn
Publisher - RN Publishing S.a.s.
Type - Softcover
Text - English
Size - 297 x 210mm
Pages - 88
B/W Photos - 65
Color Profiles - 105

This book is dedicated to the Befehlspanzer and to the Beobachtungspanzer, the command and observation tanks of the German Army in World War Two, from the very first, based on the Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.A chassis, to the last, on the Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger Ausf.B chassis. It deals with the history, technical description, operational use, and organization of these special vehicles, that allowed at first to launch the Blitzkrieg, providing a remarkable edge over the enemy, and then, in the second half of the War, allowed to carry out effective tactical operations until the very end. The book also includes information on special markings, serial numbers (when available), and data on the radio equipment. It also offers some 105 large colour profiles, produced by Jean Restayn, with extensive captions, and is completed by about 65 black and white historic photographs. A must for any enthusiast of the German military of the Second World War, and a unique reference for all the serious modelers.

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It is available for pre-order on Amazon:

Part 2 will include Beutepanzer, but also tank hunters, armoured cars, and armoured half-tracks. Of course, only the command and control, and observation versions.



Last edited by Augusto
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