Sim, depois de lutarem na Primeira Guerra Mundial, estes veteranos foram à guerra mais uma vez e já em 1936 ! Metade pelos republicanos e metade pelos nacionalistas .
Segundo a Wikipedia, depois de terem lutado no Marrocos, na década de 20, eles estavam sendo usados somente para treinamento, mas veio a guerra e aí foram para a peleja !
"Four were part of the depot of the Regimiento Ligero de Carros de Combate N° 1 at Madrid, a Renault FT unit, the other two were part of the depot strength of RLCC N° 2 atZaragoza, the other Renault FT unit.[88] At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the first unit remained under Republican command, while the second took the side of the Nationalist rebels. The Madrid vehicles saw some action during the bloody attacks on the Cuartel de la Montaña, the main military barracks of the capital. Some of the tanks were manned by militia members of the Unión General de Trabajadores and the Unión de Hermanos Proletarios.[89] Also the Zaragoza vehicles participated in the initial fighting. Probably all Schneider tanks became inoperational during 1936."
Nationalist Schneider ( re-armed with 65mm Italian Gun ) formerly deposited with the Heavy Vehicle School in Segovia and probably re-furbished for service