O Mr. Tom Bautch fez um scratch, no mÍnimo, inusitado, vejam:
"Pinewood racer made for my grand nephew. They came last Sunday and wanted me to do the work on the Pinewood car. The pine was cut and I had to add the details based on the picture they had chosen. My nephew is about 40 with two boys, the younger is about 9 now, I think. The boys really like my shop and all the models I have.
I had a 9 hour time constraint to get this completed. First I did some sanding to round off the edges and the shot some automotive primer coats and sanded. I didn't have time to really get anything filled or really smoothed out.
I cut rough buttons from .06 card stock and stacked and glued them together with CA. Then I sanded the stack to size and shape and cut them apart with Xacto blade. Attached them to the wood with 5 minute epoxy and sanded the tops smooth.
The numbers are from a Hase Jill sheet and the other buttons are cut from a photo sized to fit the car. Finally sealed with a few coats of Model Master clear lacquer.
Johnie was very pleased with the result and asked if he could have a kit to take with him, so I gave him a Promodeller 1/48 P-40. Maybe I was able to plant a seed! "
My picture that I was to copy.