Vejam aqui tudo da montagem do Mr. Chris Peachment do 14bis, em scratch e na 1/72.
Gostei da parte onde ele faz justiÇa a Santos Dumont:
"This, his first heavier than air machine, the 14bis took to the air under its own power, as opposed to the Wright Brothers machine which used launch rails, in October 1906. And was the first heavier-than-air aircraft flight to be certified by the AÉro Club de France and the FÉdÉration AÉronautique Internationale (FAI). It was also the first flight to be witnessed by large crowds, as the Wright Brothers had flown with just a couple of people watching. In France the few who had heard of the Wright Brothers' flight treated it with some suspicion, if not disbelief. As far as Europe was concerned Santos-Dumont was king."