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O video não mostra essa trozoba voando porque ela não voa, simples assim.  Voar sem asas que sustente, só misseis, e pra isso tem que voar com velocidade supersônica.  Isso aí é "fantasia cientifica".


Provavelmente coisa de algum jogo de realidade alternativa.  Tem vários, vejam:






Mas parece que é coisa de aviation art de um artista muito ligaaaaaado...


Procurem no Google por "Cutangus" e voces vão ver coisa doidas como essas...

Last edited by Felipe C. Miranda

é...ta cheio de engenheiro de plastimodelo por aqui que nem tomam o tempo de pesquisarem no Google...

Sim, o Snecma Coleoptere voou, pouco mas voou...


In France, the Société Nationale d'Etude et Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation (SNECMA) began working on a jet powered tail-sitter in 1954. Various rigs were tested from 1955-1957 powered by the 6,400 lb thrust Atar D jet engine, each with increasing complexity. The C450 Coléoptère ("annular wing") was the final step in the program. It had a 22 ft fuselage surrounded by a 10.5 ft diameter annular wing with four small fins above castoring wheels. The airframe was built by the Nord company. Control in hover was provided by tilting vanes in the nozzle of the 7,700 lb thrust Atar 101E turbojet. In forward flight the small fins deflected the air for control. Two small strakes in the nose could be extended to facilitate a pitch-up moment in transition back to vertical. First tethered hover was on 17 April 1959; first free hover was on 3 May 1959, lasting for 3 1/2 minutes. The ninth flight was on 25 July 1959; it was to transition to about 36° from the vertical and then return to hover at 2,000 ft before beginning a vertical descent. However, the Coléoptère was unable to establish the hover and began descending faster than desired and fell into oscillations about all three axes. The pilot ejected at 150 ft but was badly hurt. The Coléoptère rotated to about 50° and accelerated horizontally, but did not quite complete the transition and crashed. Emphasis on both sides of the Atlantic changed from dispersal to air superiority and attack, roles for which the tail sitters, with their small payload and range, were ill-suited.



Nessa história de Luft46 tem muita elocubração, mas nem tudo.......



       Very little is known about this VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) project. The entire aircraft had a aerofoil section, and there were two huge propellers located in the center of the aircraft. They rotated in opposite directions, thus canceling out torque problems. At low speeds, control was achieved by varying power to each propeller. Power was to be provided by an unnamed turbojet, and forward propulsion was brought about by sending exhaust through a nozzle located on both trailing edges. The landing gear was very simple, consisting of two main gear legs on either side of the center propellers, and a small tail wheel. A single fin and rudder was provided to help with lateral stability at higher speeds. The single pilot sat in a cockpit nacelle that protruded from the front of the aerofoil section fuselage.
      Nothing ever came of this very interesting project......



Last edited by MÁRCIO PINHO

Gostaria de ver um video dele voando, decolando na vertical, nivelando na horizontal e depois recuperando a vertical.  Subir e descer na vertical, não é voar, é elevador sem cabo.  Se houver um video assim, legal postar aqui.


Não precisa ser engenheiro pra entender que aquilo não voa, não na horizontal.  Mas sou aberto a provas visuais irrefutáveis.

Last edited by Felipe C. Miranda
Originally Posted by Felipe C. Miranda:

Gostaria de ver um video dele voando, decolando na vertical, nivelando na horizontal e depois recuperando a vertical.  Subir e descer na vertical, não é voar, é elevador sem cabo.  Se houver um video assim, legal postar aqui.


Não precisa ser engenheiro pra entender que aquilo não voa, não na horizontal.  Mas sou aberto a provas visuais irrefutáveis.

...Como São Tomé, só acredito vendo

Subir e descer na vertical é elevador sem cabo...então tá...


Se se derem ao trabalho de ler os links verão que ele caiu na transição do voo vertical para horizontal e o projeto foi abandonado.

E ele fez vários voos de despegue e aterrissagem mas como dizem é um "elevador sem cabo"....


Não sei porque ainda perco meu tempo aqui...

Originally Posted by JeanFabricio:
Originally Posted by Luft46:

Em 1959 os franchutes construiram e voaram o Snecma Coleoptere

"Voaram" ou subiram e desceram na vertical?

(aqui o vídeo não abre...)

Jean, se o aparelho sai do chão por seus próprios meios, sem ligações com a terra, ele técnicamente está voando.

Ou um helicóptero somente está voando quando está se deslocando horizontalmente?

Originally Posted by Luft46:
Originally Posted by JeanFabricio:
Originally Posted by Luft46:

Em 1959 os franchutes construiram e voaram o Snecma Coleoptere

"Voaram" ou subiram e desceram na vertical?

(aqui o vídeo não abre...)

Jean, se o aparelho sai do chão por seus próprios meios, sem ligações com a terra, ele técnicamente está voando.

Ou um helicóptero somente está voando quando está se deslocando horizontalmente?

Mas o formato vertical inicial na época parecia o mas lógico, mas a transição era problemática, franceses, americanos, tentaram mas não deram certo, faltavam várias coisas, materiais, os microprocessadores atuais, vejam bem, asas voadoras da Northrop antigas não deram certo, a B2 deu, o V-22 deu certo agora, antigamente não, as aeronaves de decolagem vertical só deu certo uma, a britânica, pois ela já estava em posição horizontal, eles foram caminho simples, inclusive a tentativa brasileira também não deu certo, pois faltou verba, e talvez microprocessadores.

Originally Posted by Luft46:

é...ta cheio de engenheiro de plastimodelo por aqui que nem tomam o tempo de pesquisarem no Google...

Sim, o Snecma Coleoptere voou, pouco mas voou...


In France, the Société Nationale d'Etude et Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation (SNECMA) began working on a jet powered tail-sitter in 1954. Various rigs were tested from 1955-1957 powered by the 6,400 lb thrust Atar D jet engine, each with increasing complexity. The C450 Coléoptère ("annular wing") was the final step in the program. It had a 22 ft fuselage surrounded by a 10.5 ft diameter annular wing with four small fins above castoring wheels. The airframe was built by the Nord company. Control in hover was provided by tilting vanes in the nozzle of the 7,700 lb thrust Atar 101E turbojet. In forward flight the small fins deflected the air for control. Two small strakes in the nose could be extended to facilitate a pitch-up moment in transition back to vertical. First tethered hover was on 17 April 1959; first free hover was on 3 May 1959, lasting for 3 1/2 minutes. The ninth flight was on 25 July 1959; it was to transition to about 36° from the vertical and then return to hover at 2,000 ft before beginning a vertical descent. However, the Coléoptère was unable to establish the hover and began descending faster than desired and fell into oscillations about all three axes. The pilot ejected at 150 ft but was badly hurt. The Coléoptère rotated to about 50° and accelerated horizontally, but did not quite complete the transition and crashed. Emphasis on both sides of the Atlantic changed from dispersal to air superiority and attack, roles for which the tail sitters, with their small payload and range, were ill-suited.




páre de falar mal dos franchutes então tio

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